Change One International Ministries * PO Box 82044 * Columbus, Ohio 43202
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lighthouse Youth
David & Santigie playing mancala:
This is Joseph, showing us the ceiling he was helping build (Joseph is a carpentry apprentice). I love this boy so much!
A Day in Konde Farm
Here is their current church building, that is also being used for classrooms for school children during the week:
Pastor Menyongar, Manasseh (Pastor's son), and Keith at the site for the new church building. They are working slowly to raise funds to build a more structurally sound building to use for their church as well as the school. Change One is funding the latrine project here, since there is currently no toilet facility in this area.
These next 2 photos are of the "bridge" we had to cross to get to Konde Farm. To be honest, I was scared I was going to fall in the river. Thankfully, I had Rugi (pastor's small niece) holding my hand to keep me steady!
This one is me with Pastor's kids: Rugi (she's actually a niece), Manasseh, Becky, and pastor's nephew (who's name I don't remember...):
This is just an example of the types of fine roads we got to drive down... Ah, Salone...
Percival Street
When we first walked into the house this time, Zara ran out to greet me and gave me a huge huge. That one moment made the whole trip worthwhile.
This is Zara and another little girl that was at the house:
This is Ishmael--we didn't even recognize him, he's grown so much!
Kroo Bay Kids
Keith and I walked down toward the Bay one day to visit some friends, and were swarmed with children. It was so good to see Remie, Saidu, Kuami and some of the other kiddos we used to see every week.
Kids love Play Station games everywhere, I guess! It seemed like Freetown had more electricity in the 2 weeks we were visiting than in the entire time we lived there! The kids were sure taking advantage of all the power for things like video games. Keith even showed Kuami & Saidu a few new moves on Mortal Kombat.
my boy, the preacher
I also took a video of some of the women singing in the Loko language during the church service. Loko is unlike any language I've ever heard!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Keith on SL radio!
Here they are in the studio:

Pastor Felix, Keith, & Pastor Menyongar, outside the station: