Thursday, March 6, 2008

Baby Solomon

I had an email from my friend Kim this morning. She spent several months in Sierra Leone recently, working at an orphanage near Bo. During her time there, she cared for an infant name Solomon. Solomon was her primary focus during her time there; she was basically his adoptive mom.

In her email today, she shared the sad news that Solomon had passed away this morning. Here's a bit of what she said:
"I was told today that he passed away this morning. We're not sure why--the only thing that Roger (the director of the orphanage and a good friend) had heard was that he has been sick the last few days and stopped eating and just became weaker and weaker. There has been a concern the last few weeks especially about his very slow physical development and how grim his future looked if it didn't improve. But he is now in heaven and no longer in pain or restricted by his physical limitations, so that is a praise isn't it? Not all that comforting at the moment, but God is good."
Please pray for Kim and all those who cared for little Solomon. For all the lives that he touched and the hearts that are broken at his loss.

I'm reminded of Isaiah 65:19-20:

"I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years..."

This verse is my new vision for Sierra Leone...stories like Solomon's really encourage me to pray harder for this to be realized in that country. I long for the day when there is no more weeping, or small children dying.

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